Greg Staples - Squee, Goblin Nabob (Red)

Squee, Goblin Nabob card image

Squee, Goblin Nabob (10e) 239 #top10k

#Land (2):
Mirrodin's CoreMirrodin's Core card image (dst) 165 #top10k
MountainMountain card image (tsp) 297 #top100

#Creature (58):
Alloy GolemAlloy Golem card image (inv) 297
Amy PondAmy Pond card image (who) 75 #Partner
Anaba BodyguardAnaba Bodyguard card image (10e) 187★
ArachnoidArachnoid card image (5dn) 102 #Reach
AvaraxAvarax card image (ons) 187 #Haste
Bloodfire KavuBloodfire Kavu card image (apc) 58
Cinder ElementalCinder Elemental card image (mmq) 183
Cinder PyromancerCinder Pyromancer card image (eve) 50 #top10k
Colossus of SardiaColossus of Sardia card image (10e) 317★ #Trample
DuskworkerDuskworker card image (mrd) 166
Emblazoned GolemEmblazoned Golem card image (apc) 136 #Kicker
Exhibition MagicianExhibition Magician card image (snc) 106 #Treasure
Firefright MageFirefright Mage card image (plc) 99
Fledgling DragonFledgling Dragon card image (jud) 90 #Flying #Threshold
Gatstaf Arsonists // Gatstaf RavagersGatstaf Arsonists // Gatstaf Ravagers card image (soi) 158 #Transform #Menace
Goblin Glory ChaserGoblin Glory Chaser card image (ori) 150 #Renown
Goblin GoonGoblin Goon card image (lgn) 99
Goblin PatrolGoblin Patrol card image (usg) 193 #Echo
Goblin RaiderGoblin Raider card image (usg) 194
Goblin SharpshooterGoblin Sharpshooter card image (ons) 207 #top10k
Instigator Gang // Wildblood PackInstigator Gang // Wildblood Pack card image (isd) 149 #top10k #Transform #Trample
Keldon VandalsKeldon Vandals card image (uds) 91 #Echo
Lobber CrewLobber Crew card image (rtr) 99 #top10k #Defender
Lodestone MyrLodestone Myr card image (mrd) 200 #top10k #Trample
Mogg SentryMogg Sentry card image (8ed) 203★
Molten HydraMolten Hydra card image (ulg) 85
Myr EnforcerMyr Enforcer card image (mrd) 211 #top10k #Affinity
Myr GalvanizerMyr Galvanizer card image (som) 181 #top10k
Myr LandshaperMyr Landshaper card image (dst) 131
Myr SuperionMyr Superion card image (pdci) 75 #top10k
Ogre BattledriverOgre Battledriver card image (m14) 148 #top10k
Oracle of BonesOracle of Bones card image (bng) 103 #Haste #Tribute
Orcish SpyOrcish Spy card image (8ed) 208★
Oxidda GolemOxidda Golem card image (dst) 135 #Affinity #Haste
PentavusPentavus card image (mrd) 226 #top10k
Proteus MachineProteus Machine card image (scg) 141 #Morph
Reckless WurmReckless Wurm card image (plc) 120 #Madness #Trample
Rusting GolemRusting Golem card image (nem) 138 #Fading
Satyr Nyx-SmithSatyr Nyx-Smith card image (bng) 109 #Inspired #Haste
Scion of DracoScion of Draco card image (mh2) 234 #top10k #Flying #Domain
Skirk OutriderSkirk Outrider card image (lgn) 114
Skyfire PhoenixSkyfire Phoenix card image (c19) 28 #top10k #Flying #Haste
Solemn SimulacrumSolemn Simulacrum card image (mrd) 245 #top100
SpincrusherSpincrusher card image (dst) 144
Stormblood BerserkerStormblood Berserker card image (pdci) 79 #Bloodthirst #Menace
Tormod's CryptkeeperTormod's Cryptkeeper card image (mh2) 239 #Vigilance
Warmind InfantryWarmind Infantry card image (gtc) 111 #Battalion

#Enchantment (9):
Aggravated AssaultAggravated Assault card image (ons) 185 #top1k
Aria of FlameAria of Flame card image (mh1) 118 #top10k
Dragon BreathDragon Breath card image (scg) 86 #Enchant
Extra ArmsExtra Arms card image (scg) 92 #Enchant
Fractured LoyaltyFractured Loyalty card image (mrd) 93 #Enchant
Furious AssaultFurious Assault card image (mmq) 191
Seismic AssaultSeismic Assault card image (7ed) 216★
Sulfuric VortexSulfuric Vortex card image (scg) 106 #top10k

#Artifact (9):
Aether VialAether Vial card image (2x2) 391 #top10k
Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar card image (brr) 67z #top1k
Grinding StationGrinding Station card image (5dn) 127 #top10k #Mill
Sensei's Divining TopSensei's Divining Top card image (2x2) 398 #top1k
WorldslayerWorldslayer card image (mrd) 276 #top10k #Equip

#Instant (9):
Barrel Down SokenzanBarrel Down Sokenzan card image (sok) 94 #Sweep
Deflecting SwatDeflecting Swat card image (cmm) 698 #top100
ElectrickeryElectrickery card image (rtr) 93 #top10k #Overload
Gut ShotGut Shot card image (nph) 86 #top10k
Needle DropNeedle Drop card image (lrw) 186 #top10k
OutmaneuverOutmaneuver card image (usg) 205
Punishing FirePunishing Fire card image (ddg) 66
Solar BlastSolar Blast card image (ons) 234 #Cycling
Torrent of StoneTorrent of Stone card image (bok) 119 #Splice

#Sorcery (9):
DemonfireDemonfire card image (dis) 60 #Hellbent
DevastateDevastate card image (pcy) 87
Echoing RuinEchoing Ruin card image (dst) 59
Liquid FireLiquid Fire card image (ody) 201
Malevolent WhispersMalevolent Whispers card image (soi) 173 #Madness
MuggingMugging card image (gtc) 102
Portent of BetrayalPortent of Betrayal card image (thb) 149 #Scry
Seize the DaySeize the Day card image (ody) 220 #top10k #Flashback
Stone RainStone Rain card image (chk) 191

#Non-commander-legal (3):
PentavitePentavite card image (tm12) 7 #top100 #Flying
ElementalElemental card image (tbng) 7 #top100
CentrifugeCentrifuge card image (unf) 203b #top100 #Treasure

#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.